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Extra Photos INDEX 2012

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Inishfail Island, south Lough Allen. [BACK]


Hoverfly on Common Spotted orchid (White variety) [BACK]


The Common Twayblade has very unusual flowers. [BACK]


Beetle on Common Spotted Orchid. [BACK]


One of Lough Allen’s special flowers, Irish Lady’s Tresses Orchid [BACK]


Young Perch in a Jar from Annagh Lake[BACK]


Bog Pimpernel, unobtrusive but not uncommon around Lough Allen. [BACK]


Convulvulus, or Bindweed, growing among the rocks at Spencer Harbour. [BACK]


Lesser Black-backed Gull warns off intruder. [BACK]


Caterpillar on a wet day. [BACK]

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