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Extra Photos INDEX 2012

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Water Avens, deep in woodland. [BACK]


Corry Shoal, near Corry Strand, where Lesser Black-backed Gulls have a small colony. [BACK]


Delicate flowers of the insectivorous plant, Common Butterwort [BACK]


A rather ruffled young Long-tailed Tit, often seen in flocks among the Alder trees around Lough Allen. [BACK]


Dovesfoot Cranesbill. A close relative of Herb Robert [BACK]


Wall Pennywort. [BACK]


Common Sandpiper. We always look forward to the arrival of these lovely birds in Spring, coming all the way from Africa. [BACK]


Close up of Lady’s Smock (sometimes called Cuckoo flower). [BACK]


Hillsides near The Playbank, and a good place to find the Small White Orchid. [BACK]


Striking looking flowers of the very common, Yellow Rattle. [BACK]

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