Ideas & Images Environment & Employment
This Site explores a specific area of north west Ireland, shows off its great attractions and suggests some ideas for Conservation of the Environment and developing high level employement for people living in the area
This page leads to 2 areas where you can quickly see the wide diversity of Wildlife present in Lough Allen. You can either view a quick Slide Show of many species we have photographs of but have not studied in detail...
2 Ways
View Lough Allen’s
Click on Left or Right?
(To RETURN just Close the windows!)
or... you can go to our full Index of Species which lists all Species we have on this Website and will bring you to the Pages and Images of those species we have reported on...
The Slide Show is a sample of over 100 images of Plants and Anmals from around Lough Allen.
Use the PLAY button to automtaically go through thes pictures. There is a 4 second delay before each picture.
Or, scroll through the slider of Thumbnails at the bottom and CLICK on a particular species and read the comments. You can press PLAY from any Image.
Our Species Index lists over 200 species. It is highly selective and we often don’t include some of the more common species.
We use 2 simultaneous pages for this project so your Browser must open separate windows jnstead of Tabs! We apologise for the slight awkwardness but it does work very well!
PLEASE NOTE: You are going to pages with many Pictures. Wait a few seconds if you see an empty frame. This Index will work slowly with poor Broadband