This page simply provides a quick link to all topics to do with Lough Allen’s water quality. Unfortunately, over recent years this has deteriorated somewhat. We are not sure what is the cause of this or how serious it is. The articles listed below have been prepared over different periods and reflect a different degree of understanding of what is going on. At present, we believe the water is getting more polluted — but will be very pleased to report any future improvements.
Lough Allen was traditionally an oligotrophic (or dystrophic) lake, acidic and with a low level of nutrients. This reduced the risk of plants and bacteria growing out of control. Unfortunately it has now been reclassified as mesotrophic, i.e reasonably rich in nutrients. No natural cause has brought this about — unless, possibly, the ‘rain’! There are worrying signs that this eutrophication may be coming from man-made sources, particularly detergents.
Our work, on this site, primarily relates to Lough Allen’s superb Biodiversity. But any pollution that is allowed to develop may destroy this and will, certainly, destroy the enjoyment of the lake. We only became aware of this problem in 2008 though we had been engaged in surveying all parts of the lake for several years before that. It is, presently, getting worse year on year and is now visible in all areas under certain conditions. The articles below are cited in chronological order.