
Lough Allen Basin loughallenbasin.com
Ideas & Images Environment & Employment This Site explores a specific area of north west Ireland, shows off its great attractions and suggests some ideas for Conservation of the Environment and developing high level employement for people living in the area
Q. Type of Work apppropriate for the Lough Allen Basin? |
High Tech Employment
FDI, Knowledge Economy, Intellectual Property... there is a plethora of terms being used to define the sort of employment that we feel is appropriate for the early 21st Century and for the place and community in which we live. On this page we try to define and identify the nature of employment and of the workforce that best fits into an area of quiet natural beauty and considerable richness in terms of ‘quality of life’.
- Employment v. Enterprise. A major new Employer will be a great asset to the community of south Leitrim and the Lough Allen area. At present there are only 2 enterprises which number workers in the hundreds, Bank of America and Masonite. There is considerable effort put into promoting Entrepreneurship and locally grown Enterprise. One major new Employer would perfectly complement this mix.
- FDI or Foreign Direct Investment is simply the best way to quickly achieve a goal of this size and to employ many graduates from the area, other parts of Ireland and Europe in general. Such a new Facility will benefit from the particular advantages of the Lough Allen Basin and of being located in Ireland. (Ireland has unrivalled advantages to offer a major Company seeking to re-locate to the area.) But it will also greatly benefit the Community and help us maintain the environment and the area in a vibrant and a healthy condition.
- We define High Tech Employment as employment suitable for the area and the workforce within it. Heavy manufacturing is not relevant (though this used to be a mining area) but Irish people have proven in recent years to have superb skills in IT and Software, Design and Research, in Project Management and Support Services, in Pharmaceuticals and Medical Equipment design and production. These are Industries with very high knowledge requirements, highly trained graduates, and close association with other leading Enterprises in these fields of which very many already have a presence in Ireland.
- By definition such Industry will be kind to the Environment, and that is the twin aim of this campaign, to support the economy and sustain the environment in a pristine state. There need be no waste, only moderate energy use, and little transport problems as the products or services produced are either of high value and low bulk or else entirely intellectual and non-material. The Celtic Tiger of recent years has thrived on developing or hosting such Enterprises. The tranquil setting of the Lough Allen Basin will not be disturbed and a new workforce settling in the area will serve to promote both the economy and to protect the Lake and countryside.
3 of the biggest High Tech Employers presently in Ireland.
Intel and Hewlett Packard Both huge employers in the Dublin area. Now both expanding even in the present recessionary time. Both been present in Ireland for over 10 years, doing good business, employing 1000’s of graduates and supporting the community in which they are based.
Pfizer is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and produces human and animal medical medicines and consumer healthcare products. It has 8 operations in Ireand, employing over 2,000 people in both high end manufacturing and research and development. It has recently entered into a merger agreement with Wyeth (who employ over 3,000 people in Ireland). 9 of the top 10 Global Pharmaceutical companies are located in Ireland, with 7 out of 10 pharamaceutical ‘blockbusters’ produced here. XXXXXXXXXX SPECIFY XXXXXXXXXXXX
Abbott Worlds largest medical devices Company with a range of facilities in the midlands and west of Ireland. Ireland has a very large level of export of a wide range of high tech medical devices now manufactured and developed in the country. The Health sector is one of the growing areas of employment in the global economy. For example, world leading research in the design of stents (for cardiac surgery) is now being done in Ireland.