Lough Allen Basin



Ideas & Images
Environment & Employment
This Site explores a specific area of north west Ireland, shows off its great attractions and suggests some ideas for Conservation of the Environment and developing high level employement for people living in the area



Employment topics: Policy Document / Summary / Ireland / Leitrim / High Tech. / Lisbon

Q. Advantages of Locating in Ireland?

Ireland as a base for Foreign Direct Investment

Ireland has a unique place in the world, particularly in Europe. Our main advantage is that we are an independent English-speaking country at the heart of Europe. Ireland uses the Euro and has been active in the European Union for over a quarter of a century. Companies investing in Ireland have access to a market of over 500 million people, and also benefit from a range of unique National incentives to employment:

  • 12.5% Corporation Tax in Ireland. This is lower than the UK (20%), and other European countries. In April 2009, the Government confirmed that the 12.5% Corporation tax rate would be retained as a key aspect of Ireland’s inward investment strategy.
  • High skill base. An Available Educated Workforce. . In Ireland we have a young, telented workforce, and a high percentage of third level graduates, many of these in the science/information technology sector.
  • Generous Government Grants. There are Government Grants available for FDI through the IDA (see Below)
  • Category II EU funding is available for Border and Midland (‘Disadvantaged’)areas including Leitrim.
  • InterReg Funding (Cross Border development initative between Irish and UK Government) for Border areas.


Relevant State and EU Agencies

IDA (Industrial Development Authority) is the main body which gives grants to foreign companies wishing to locate in Ireland. There are also generous grants for Research and Development.

Enterprise Ireland Assists with all aspects of setting up business, graduate placement etc.

Interreg. Cooperation between EU countries, or with certain areas outside the EU (e.g. Norway) Partners of INTERREG IIIC operations can co-operate on four main fields of experience: Structural Funds Objective 1 and 2, INTERREG programmes, URBAN Community Initiative and urban development activities and Regional Innovative Actions programmes