19. Heritage 18th. August 2012
Just a simple day’s record of an unusually pleasant afternoon in the not-so-good Summer of 2012. We took the opportunity to make a quick tour of Lough Allen and try and obtain diverse and attractive portraits of this little piece of our National Heritage. This is our small contribution to National Heritage Week. Elements and descriptions of Lough Allen’s Natural Heritage can be found throughout our Website, particularly in the various TALA pages. (Please refer to our Index page for a list.)
Two other days have been spent photographing Lough Allen’s landscapes, one Memorable Day with the Boyle Camera Club in the Autumn of 2010, and another by ourselves during the Hard Freeze in December of that year. The collection below depicts Lough Allen at the height of Summer. You will find nothing untoward here, or anything but a countryside at its best. But to live in such a place is to get to know it and care and careful management is always needed in a Habitat if we are to retain it and maximise the enjoyment we can all get from it. Hope you enjoy these views and apologies if some of the photographs are less than perfect — it was a bit of a rush job!
Many thanks to the people who welcomed us and allowed us access to private land for the purpose of making this portrait!
View from the high ground at Corry looking eastwards towards Bencroy
Rural scene near Annagh Lake, Ballinagleragh, with The Playbank in the background

Looking westwards across Lough Allen to Corry Mountain.
Tall Mountain Ash fruiting alongside Stony River in the foothills of Sliabh an Iarann
East Shore: View from Cormongan with Round Island in the middle distance.
From the Corry foothills looking east towards Cormongan with Long Island just visible on right
Panorama of the western and northern shores taken from the lower slopes of Sliabh an Iarann.
From Kilgariff looking south with the Fahy shoreline and Islands in the middle..
A tranquil scene at Annagh Lake, Ballinagleragh
An escarpment on Sliabh an Iarann taken from east shore near Stony River.

Panorama of Annagh Lake with friend! This former inlet of Lough Allen is quite a large lake itself.
High water at Cormongan, right up to the Willows and Alders
Looking across Ross More inlet towards The Playbank, Cavan countryside, and the Shannon Valley to the left.
Cleighran More marina being enjoyed by an active group of young people in Kayaks.

Fossil Strand, Corry. Both the fossils and the Alders are buried with Summer flood.
Specimen Black Poplar at Spencer Harbour
Looking south east across Annagh Lake towards Bencroy and Sliabh an Iarann (Right).

Another view of Annagh Lake... far shore is a good place for Orchids.
Natural and Planted woodlands near Kilgarriff
Very high water levels have been a feature of Lough Allen this Summer due to persistent high levels of rain. Today was a dry day but starting to cloud over as the leaden sky and water shows.
A charming little road to the hills on east side of the Lake
A stunning panorama of half of a dark eastern shore, contrasting with the bright conditions on hillside field.
[MORE TRIPS to come!]
If you have any interesting records of animals or plants from the Lough Allen basin, we will be very pleased to reproduce them here.